
@armyofchuckness: Its also a reference to the fact that the director is taking on that movie next.

@db4dbms: I think its a new clu. Clu 2.0 so to speak.

@Wwhat: I got them, thanks though.

@ibelli: One can only hope.

@diverguy: The same director is actually going to do Disney's black hole remake/sequel as well.

Hellz yeah.

@b33g33: The thing is that none of these are "new" rules.

@Tony Prince: Every single one of those companies also has an android phone or two.

@jeepingeek: I think you can actually blame VZW more than anything.

@Costermonger: What I was getting at was it doesn't work that way for starred commenters either.

@CraigJW: The old gawker post from when they first came out is still probably the best guide.

@FriedPeeps: It actually is old hardware. Samsung has even said as much.