
Walton. Walton Goggins.

Might be a good idea to assign Mr. Goggins his correct first name.

Charles’s and Asa’s sons, respectively.

Important note: the Doctor did not, in fact, reveal any future information to the cop. He made an educated guess. Very different for a time traveler 😁

That’s thanks to all of 14's therapy I suspect.

That was just about my favorite moment of the episode as it showed us part of what The Doctor, and specifically Gatwi’s Doctor, is all about. So Disney asked for The Doctor to appear earlier; they didn’t write the scene — Davies and/or his staff did (sorry, I’m a newspaper writer, not a screen writer so I don’t know

Well, you have always had suits mucking about with Dr Who, though. From day one the BBC suits interfered with the show, and they never really stopped, constantly chopping its budget and at times trying to cancel it (and succeeded in 1989). I think there were also serious thoughts about cancelling it because of the

Gatwa’s Doctor comes across as more empathetic and more in touch with his humanity and kindness.

Never thought discussion of Doctor Who would delve into the finer points of negligent versus reckless homicide, but here we are.

Or Mephisto.

The big mystery for the season?

As long as they weren’t using human leather to bind the Book of the Dead, we should be alright. 

I’m totally happy with it. We get a freshly recovered and joyful Doctor again without simply handwaving away his trauma, and Donna gets the happy ending with her best friend that she was originally cruelly denied. It’s a perfect setup for stories in the spinoff books and audio adventures, too.

Yeah, no, he is the 15th, and the episode made that clear.

I didn’t realize he had filmed any scenes for the special (I thought he had passed before filming), so what a treat it was to see him at the end of the episode. Wilf is one of the absolute best characters to come out of Nu Who, and it was such a joy to have one final moment with him. RIP Bernard Cribbins.

You skipped the last paragraph so you could come be angry in the comments.

I mean, Mark Gatiss, who wrote An Adventure in Space and Time, literally said that the reason they green screened in Matt Smith was so they could green screen in other Doctors as time went on.

I’m down with it.  He doesn’t drop gold 100% of the time, but I gotta say his average is pretty damn impressive.  He has respect, and he has vision.  I’m down with this.  Congratulations, Dave.  I stan ya.

Doctor Who Unleashed BTS episode.