
@Orionsaint: Funny... I had the same vibe.

I still think this is a bad idea.... being a John Carpenter fanboy, but I guess we'll see.... If they stick to practical effects, I may just give it a pass.

Downloading this tonight... Another VM candidate.

@ecapox: A gaggle? Good question...

"Make sure to make it back alive.."

One of my favorite books. I'm already plotting to read it for a 6th or 9th time after reading this post.

@pixeljedi: Bizarre enough to keep my attention for just under three minutes... A winner.

Giant containment wall... I'm sold.

@Delta Sierra: Good call Delta, I was thinking the same thing.

@crichton007: Depends on what's on your list, I suppose.

@freedomweasel: I was thinking that too. I scribble enough ad hoc notes on the back of my hand already... This might be slightly extreme, but at least it's useful.

Seriously, that is a great tattoo.

I love the neon "Pionen" sign, above the entrance ... Like a set piece out of a Buckaroo Banzai sequel.

But would LeVar Burton had made a good Blade?

@jccalhoun: Agreed. It sucked me in, then dropped me flat the second season.

Wow, this article set off alarm buzzers in my mind. I've been so heavily immersed in various flavors of tech for the past, as a result of earning my Masters, that I made the decision to take a conscious break from it all for a while.

@dr_bob: Yeah... Love Baxter, but the brutal honesty of what he often has to say can be a tad dark. Fascinating and thought provoking, but often stripped of a "higher suspension of hope", at least on a human emotional scale.

Thea I'm hooked.