
So... we are all, (including myself), so ADD/ADHD that we give a damn about a 7 second difference? I admit that Microsoft couls de something about the boot time and. but I'd rather have overall stability and depth of code, but not so deep that it continues to bog everything down perforamnce wise.. Windows 7 is looking

@ax0n: Right on axOn. I wish I could commute to work by bike, but the logistics, combined with the over burdened backroads, and major congestion would make it too dangerous in the Philly suburbs. Maybe when I move in a few years, and can take advantage of the more subdued roads furtehr out.

@coonj: I second that advice. Mix up your routine... stand part of the day, set the rest. And if you have to, spend money out-of-pocket to get a good chair.

@blackmage439: It's definetely the Dell WiFi card... my MBP and HP laptops have no issues. You might seriously think about replacing it. If I recall, I did have conectivity issues with Fedora 7/8, but 9 works fine

@blackmage439: I'm pretty excited about Ubuntu 8.10 as well, although I never had previous problems with the wireless cards in any of my laptops or desktop.

@blackmage439: I don't thing Vista was a "disaster" either, but "reality doesn't really matter, especially in marketing. Perception is king. Regardless of any meaningless Apple sniping, Microsoft screwed things up, not just in the finites portions of the new OS that just weren't polished ( printer peripheral

@qrius: I have a bad feeling we might see a repeat, but I really hope I'm wrong.

@Adam Pash: You are the true Buddha - I'm so torn between wanting to kill you on the road, or have you give me a quaint nickname and become my teacher...

@rdburke: That would seem like a good marketing ploy, it might help to polish up the retinal burn after-image of Vista that many people apparently have... I like Vista, put prefer using a tweaked and customized XP. Love Ubuntu and OSX... Let's hope the release version of Windows 7 still has all these features. Please?

@TheFu: Dude you are a working triathlete! At least you know how to relax and decompress. And losing 60 lbs.. wow!

@Duane: Good point. These are definitely connections and skill sets you have be be working on prior to being laid off.. They also wouldn't hurt to do while your working, it demonstrates a broad diversification of knowledge, and that you have lateral interests outside of work.

@eagledrc: I think this is a reach too. I'm liberal on some topics, and a tad more conservative on others, so I guess I'm teh best of both worlds, so to speak. I'm very organized and neat, but it never stifled my creativity, and there are a few file folders of articles, and places on my multiple HD's that have some

iPhone, because once jail broken, and running an emulator, it can run anything. Blackberry a close second, but it's showing it's age and just feels clunky now.

@Lestat: There are several companies that make custom weapons for LEGO figs, AK47's, Desert Eagle pistols, AR15's... it's kind of scary, but cool at the same time.

@briguy73: I'm with you. I just hope it's priced right.

@TheLouis: You have no Friend or Followers on the Giz... that pretty much sums up the value of your opinions. Learn a little tolerance, say something "smart" and interesting and perhaps someone will pay attention to you.

@chequeredmaniac: Dude, you speak sweet music to me... the sweet nectar of rationality.

@tamoko: On a lighter note... I'm actually kind od excited to see a "Windows Cloud" OS. Especially if it will push innovation from the Linux community, Apple, and maybe even push Google to go beyond the 1st Gen Google apps.

@endorphin: You know... there might be a reason you you only have one friend on this blog site... Tool,