
@BN.: Looks like it... remember it is just a test-bed.

I'd like to see you take it off road,and see how it handles reallt rough terrain.

It's so cute... Like a baby M1A.

I'm all for having options... so the ability to tweak how Stacks displays info just seems like a no-brainer. I think Apple shoud of had these options from the initial release. A small detail, but something lots of us have noticed and commented on.

@dirtyfez: I just had this image of bobbing rubber duckies and buzzing vibrators disappearing down a swirling whirlpool...

I've been with several girls who could do this... At first I though it was urine (although I really didn't care because it was really was hot), but now I'm even more intrigued.

Happy Birthday LifeHacker, you've become a regular stop in my daily internet trawls.

@somecommenterguy: ... and I don't plan to rent from Apple, but if I did, I'd tweak the system clock to give me extra years as well.

@somecommenterguy: More likely, it's the big 5 movie producers that are "inconveniencing" us, not specifically Apple. Remember, the MPAA is so paranoid as it is, I'm sure this is a concession on Apple's part to please their fears of piracy, and the increasing of profits...

Great little hack. I'll apply it tonight.

What a great, yet unobtrusive way of tagging for validity. Perhaps instead of color coding, it could be like a tag cloud, with suspicious wiki updates shrinking into 1pt font, while more valid ones inflate.

"Al Queda Best of videos...." hilarious. They make a good point though. Back Everything up in triplicate.

Until leopard comes I've tried to make the best of vitual desktops...I like the idea of compartmentalizing the work flow. My copy seems quite stable (almost too stable!)