
I'm just so very glad that we are talking about this problem. That we are being vocal about how it's not right and that we should not have to put up with it.
I was walking home yesterday from the market and some asshole did the "You'd look prettier with a smile" thing to me and I told him he'd be prettier if he just

Fuck Texas; fuck anti-choicers; fuck "prayer" being part of a police investigation; fuck abstinence-centered sex education; and fuck leaving women in crisis (or, in this case, children in crisis!) with no viable options, letting them suffer alone, and then treating them like criminals for doing what they have to do.

"But if they're right, it highlights the question that many have been asking, in the midst of looters and protestors being identified, why hold back on the name of the man responsible for all of this unrest? "

Look, that guy (the asshole that killed the kid) may have been a catalyst for this but he is not solely

Ironic that the government is now the terrorist.

99% of my Twitter feed is talking about this. It's incredible what's happening. I am beyond words. The pictures are especially telling. The tear gas smoke, the guns trained on protesters. I wish I could post one, it's of two protesters with their backs turned that have red sniper rifle dots on their backs. (Edit -

And men wonder why we 'don't just stand up for ourselves'

I hope she DTMFA ASAP. No excuses make any of that okay, and he's a shit human.

Plenty of citizens don't pay taxes. I believe in having a social safety net.

I hate the human race sometimes.

I am so thankful to have gotten the fuck out of high school before phones/cameras/social media became ubiquitous.

why do people seem to think that learning self-defense and teaching men not to rape are mutually exclusive? no one is blaming the victim if she gets rape, anything she can do to protect herself is good. also no one is blaming rape victims for not knowing self defense. we can try to teach people not to murder or

I was very briefly married to a complete nitwit. Nitwit apparently said something along those lines to my dad. The Old Bear looked at the Nitwit and said "You don't have a fucking clue of what you are in for, do you?"

I actually did ask my dad to go to one with me (13-year-old me's thought process was pretty much limited to, "All my friends are going so I want to go too!"), and he did refuse, because he said he wanted me free to make the best decisions for me without a pledge like that hanging over my head. At the time I was all