
Exactly. The other bonus of no appeals, no trial is that all the details of what he did to these women, how, and the degree of their suffering won't make into a court record that is preserved for the duration of his death sentence appeals. And beyond. Just a cold, legal description that meets the elements of the

Why there is not a big blockbuster movie with a non-white male super hero is astounding. Considering that there are talented (not to mention attractive) actors like Idris Elba that could play them!

Why is this not real??? WHY????

Hey, fellow white ladies of Jezebel: Let's remember that a black kid is still dead, and his killer is still free. It's not about our feelings tonight, or about what black people say about us. It's about the fact that black lives do not, according to the state of Florida, and in American society at large, matter.

What a shock. A bunch of white women in Florida think it's okay to shoot a black teen male to death. I mean, we are talking about the place that didn't want to bring him to trial to begin with.

"I am so proud to be a woman and a feminist."

Your words.

Your brand of feminism apparently doesn't include treating people like, uh, I don't know, people. You admire Ada Lovelace? Great, so do I and a lot of other people, feminist-identifying or not. I personally have a problem with people who call themselves feminists

Fuck. Too young to die. RIP.

Steubenville victim's parents raised a daughter who managed to stand up for herself, press charges, face national exposure and criticism, survive rape and bullying and victim blaming and try to bring justice and prevent this shit from happening to others, both by punishing her attackers and bringing attention to how