
Avery or Ivari (eevaree)?

Do you people not even *talk* to each other? I mean, address one another in a cheerful and friendly manner about stuff you have in common? Do you not treat each other like intelligent human beings with perfectly good reasons for doing things the way you do? I'm talking women as well as men here, now. Do you not

If you look at the big one's side as compared to the wire, you can tell it's breathing.

Are you perhaps thinking of Angela Davis, the 60s radical? This woman has plenty of credits of her own, but her career arc is very different.

I wish the Colemans' statement had been placed closer to the top of the article—I'm concerned that people won't read all the way down and see this great message both about the family's reaction and the response of the town. I don't want to see another Steubenville come out of this, only knowledge for the future, help

Yes, we could fund the birth control, but the Tea Party folks would so much rather de-fund anything that got near a woman's ovaries, uterus, and vagina, and then de-fund programs to feed, house, and educate anyone who comes from those areas on a woman, at least until they do something that earns themselves a nice long

Most school handbooks tell you to call campus police for any criminal matter, and they will respond right away. You're only doing what the university tells you to do. Nobody goes to college expecting security to treat you like crap.

That's why Tim got the little gadgets with the grippy fingers and the bit of magnetic charge to pick up the teeny screws. He's a butterfingers, too. Or sometimes I'd have to go in with my smaller fingers and put the little screws back in, praying I didn't mess it up! Why can't these things be sensible, like swords,

I'm mildly capable at dealing with computers, but when Tim removes the hood on my desktop I run whimpering from the room. My hat's off to you!

How about why don't we teach our boys not to be rapists? How about that? You think if these two girls hadn't shown up, no girls would have been raped that night? You think these boys never had parties with lots of alcohol and invited girls that they got drunk and raped? What the hell kind of stupid question did

My husband can take apart my computer, install a new hard drive, and put it back together—and the computer still works! I will happily PAY a garage to change the oil, and tires are what Triple A is for.

My mother taught me to sew by hand; my home economics teacher in 7th and 8th grade expected me to know how to sew with a machine. My mother didn't just teach me to do a basting stitch; I also learned how to darn (important when you really love a particular pair of comfy socks, do buttons (including coat buttons,

Fortunately, I have a good vet hospital that is certified to handle just about anything but anteaters. Fortunately, this is an anteater-free zone, or we'd be screwed.

No, she wasn't frowning at index cards this time. She was beaming at Mr. Camera, her big, one-eyed friend, who was going to lead her to all the enemies, and Benghazi, and a path to bankruptcy, and all the other sayings she has said. Because she is, in a very fundamental way, the voice of the Tea Party, with all of

He's not? That's just so shocking, that someone would try to pass as a trained marmot professional without actual professional credits!


Lamont, just out of curiosity—have you any boys? Do you have access to boys, as a school teacher, scout leader, Sunday school teacher, like that? Or do you have only your girls?

Oh, buffalo puckey. Use your common sense and don't be silly. Just because it's the interwebs doesn't mean you have to try our patience.

Lamont, don't blame the girls. Educate the boys. They're gonna have to leave Dad's watchful, bloodshot eye one day (have you tried the barbed wire over their windows yet?) and go out in the world. It would be nice if the guys were taught only s**t rapes.

Really, marmot healer? Say it's not so! Even if Big Football Hero's grandaddy is a state politico? Because that SURELY means a rush to justice! Right? Right? (Okay, I'd better stop. I need to go stick my head into some ice water before it goes splodey. All I want is a stand up trial. Not a cover-up. Don't