
This took place when I was about 10 years old. My mom had rather quickly filed for divorce, but she only had a part-time job and made very little money, so finding a place to stay that was affordable and available immediately was tough. A friend of hers told her that she and her husband had

This comment is coming FROM INSIDE YOUR HOUSE!!!

What were her options? Nobody was coming to the rescue. It was only a matter of time before her father killed her mother or a sibling. Or the whole fucking household.

Saturday: Work

I think he is manipulating you into agreeing with the central assumption of his argument (that the best candidate is the most socialist candidate). You'll never win that argument because he is right, Hillary is not a socialist. But that's not actually a bad thing.

Lots of people love to see a good sausage, myself included! It just that we want to see it when we desire to see it. So, you know, when we ASK to see it, or when you’ve said “hey, wanna see my sausage?” and I’ve responded with “sure thing, lay it on me!”. Like, I fucking love pizza but I don’t want some rando to come

These books do not spark joy.