
What galls me is that the Dixie Chicks were burned at the stake for saying that they are ashamed that GWB is from Texas, but Ted Nugent and others are calling for Obama and Hillary to be literally killed and that’s totally fine with the Dixie Chicks haters.

I’ll never forget watching the Dixie Chicks burned at the stake in 2003, in the lead-up to the Iraq War. They were one of my favorite country groups– I loved their vision of American freedom. It was horrible seeing all that creativity trampled under the boot of jingoism.

There were SO many angry tweets about how Beyoncé didn’t belong there and other tweets about the CMAs scheduling the worst performers. Those folks didn’t like Bey being there and they sure haven’t completely forgiven the Dixie Chicks.

I’m down in Oregon. Voting by mail is the BEST. I’m definitely fully committed to holding my nose and voting for Clinton, even in a very blue state (Jill Stein and her bs can take a flying leap), I just wish the prospect of our first female president didn’t go hand in hand with increased militarism and corporate

Yeah, I’ve been checking fivethirtyeight compulsively over the last few weeks and I know the numbers, but I also remember the unfathomableness of the 2000 elections and just can’t shake the dread. And truth be told I will be relieved by a Clinton win, but not happy. She is a massive war hawk whose foreign policy

I hate to say this, but calling the police because of a mental health issue is a bad idea these days.

All of his remaining wealth will be spent on his tomb. Spoilar alert, his net worth is zero after you count Russian loans and he ends up in a pauper’s grave.

Mental health workers get paid much less, have probably just as little training, and if they were caught defending themselves from an attack they would be fired and possibly have charges pressed against them.

Listening to that Access Hollywood video about Donald Trump has made me clench so tight I am confident my uterus isn’t going anywhere.

Honestly how does everyone keep going? I still think Hillary can win this in November but just the realization that almost half this country is so low on the morality scale, so totally bereft of integrity that they don’t care “what” they put in office as long as “that woman doesn’t win-how they hell do we go on from

Huh, telling me I should bow down before the one I serve? That I’ll get what I deserve? Because, before I’d give Trump control, I can think of a lot of things I’d rather do.

It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.

I, for one, am a good big-government liberal, and happy to pay my taxes. If they want to secede, I’ll help’em pack, and give them pocket money for the trip.

Agree. I loathed W. but I understood why people voted for him. This is so far beyond my comprehension. At BEST, he’s a blowhard reality tv star and a businessman of dubious success. At worst, he’s a racist, sexist, xenophobic megalomaniac (and actually really terrible businessman).

Thank you.

It’s easy to cynically point at all the failings of American democracy. But the one thing that will never cease to amaze me, and that I will never stop reminding myself is unique and incredible in the history of government, is the American transition of power. Like, there’s no subterfuge or questions or violence or

Someone in my office was saying the DNC was “so over the top” and I was like FUCK YEAH IT WAS AND I ATE IT ALL WITH A SPOON.

i am such a sucker. i hate fight song, and i hate “america is the greatest country in the world!!!!!!!!!” stuff, but at the DNC i EAT THAT SHIT UP AND LOVE IT!!!!!!!! (also the olympics lol)

Man, I’ve always switched the station when “Fight Song” comes on the radio, but I finally watched that video they made today and I was tearing up and goosebumping like crazy at my desk.

I think that’s a very color blind and overly simplistic reading of this situation. Kanye inappropriately expressed the frustration that all people of color feel when our exceptional achievements are consistently ignored and white mediocrity is rewarded instead. He wasn’t trying to be hateful towards Taylor swift, he