
Lego Snoop made it.

I understood every word that guy said. So there's definitely one question that comes to mind concerning your post...

Are they planning to screen them whenever they like and only show games that feature American athletes?


I'll just leave this here.

Unique snowflake post:

Will it go to this Morrissey chick, or the person who posted this exact article on the main Gawker site about a month ago?

Q. Why is this terrible parenting?

Cuz you know all those upset Dunham fans are all into John Zorn an' shit...

According to my Facebook, Taylor Swift is also music for The Gays.


Hard to even understand what you're getting at here given that she herself is quoted wondering about how she might look AND she is a TELEVISION PRESENTER.

They're wusses, but all this guy had to do was show you a gun for you to puss out?

Points for actually thinking this idiot might understand the point you're making.

What relevance does any of that have to this story? None.

"And really - you think that I'll be upset because someone thinks I'm a dick for the language I use..."

"So, it's one person's word against another - odd how you immediately side with the criminal in this?"

"...the guy was specifically asked not to - he had the option to leave and refused."

Do you mean "fiction"?

And what message is that? Nazis and slavers are bad?