Oh my god, the comments...
Oh my god, the comments...
Am I the only one who has to say "GRONKOWSKI!" in a Chicago police captain voice whenever I see this guy?
1. You don't know what "sensationalism" actually means. Sort that out.
Childish and unfounded knee-jerk cynicism.
I don't know, a REALLY rich person would have said "Bitch, no-one gives a fuck about your Christmas in the kitchen photo."
Maybe if you could speaking fucking English, I would have a clue what you were talking about.
What rule are you referring to?
What football are you referring to?
"...your best chance to transfer things to the iPad is using iCloud."
Your lady brain is evidently so tiny that you didn't grasp the distinction between me stating the opinion that a given idea should be considered offensive in the abstract, and making a judgement on the beliefs of actual non-hypothetical members of that group.
I don't really get how this is this hard to understand: The point isn't whether such things are legal or not in the game as it stands now - that is irrelevant - but that such actions are too dangerous to be handwaved by saying "Oh, it's just the sport/entertainment".
I did Google Zeke Talbot. Because I thought it was about this case:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bloggs
Vegans are an abomination unto God.
I don't really get how this is this hard to understand: The point isn't whether such things are legal or not in the game as it stands now - that is irrelevant - but that such actions are too dangerous to be handwaved by saying "Oh, it's just the sport/entertainment".
I know right? I couldn't really believe how good it was, considering that every other app I could find purporting to be an iTunes replacement are by and large completely unfit for purpose.
That's some great logic there.
That marine is the champion of my heart.
I hope someone got fired for that blunder!
For what I use it for it is. I mean, here's a short list of what I've encountered in my two days of owning an iPad2 (this might be a little tl;dr):