

AFC fans had the last laugh (or at least 'a' laugh) with the chants though: Singing "Where were you when you were us?" at the Dons section.

Re 3: I'm starting to see this where I live now. My phone's SMS client has transmogrified into a hardcore pornography channel/all-purpose IM-ing platform - seamlessly aggregating all texts/Facebook messages/other shit - so gradually, I almost didn't notice. And since I don't pay for texts on my plan anyway, it might

"I've learned that it doesn't really matter what gender you are, you can still do the same things that men can do."

It's not sarcasm.


If the laws he's enforcing are insane, does that make him Lawful Evil?

Those names are bourgeois and therefore inappropriate. Royal babies must have names that represent the earthy Anglo-Saxon history of which they are to be custodians of.

Biggest laugh of the day - thanks!


That sounds like some Daily Mail bullshit. Leaving aside that "violent crimes" is such a vague concept (and no-one's bothered to determine what crimes are included) it might as well not mean anything at all - even had you posted the data that backs that up...

That's who I thought it was.

When did "badassness" become a personality disorder to be able to make sensible comparisons to psychopathy?

You missed the part where her house (presumably with the majority of her clothing in it) was overrun by a swarm of zombies and set on fire - leaving her with the clothes on her back?

You didn't see the version where they dubbed in some saxophone/slap bass jams. I felt it was very erotic.

I am shocked: You are literally the first of dozens of posts I've read on this topic to suggest that an incident like this could have had multiple cumulative causes.

That's two words.

...s'like choosing which turd you'd rather step in.

Now playing

The only good thing about that travesty of a song is that it gave me, you and world Kimbra.
