
Yeah, but those people are combining those 3 hours of sleep with other things like walking around and relaxing.

You see, when you have a job you also have these things called "Vacation days" and the way these work is that at the start of each year you get a certain amount of days you don't have to work and they still pay you. So what you do is you tell your boss in advance what day you don't want to work and then he writes it

People hang around like this in every country on earth.

Perhaps you're not aware that as parents they've spent roughly 40x the amount of time around that crying baby than you have and now they're dead inside.

Great arc, good strength, solid contact. 10/10.


We don't even have Thanksgiving here and yet Amazon are still offering me ridiculous "Black Friday" deals on crap I didn't know I wanted just because.

They didn't even give it an awesome pun title. Why did they even bother?

What with all the porn parodies out now, how could you not?

Mike Tyson literally said this exact post once.

So you've never seen a Catherine Breillat film. Well done you.

This is the only thing I remember about the Care Bears movie.

Sounds like she's teaching her daughter that maths and gender blindness is bullshit.

That sounds a lot like you're saying:

Word on this. I'm not saying it would have been hard to find any credible minority or female speakers to fill the card at this event - hell, in my engineering class, there is not one white British dude to be found, which could be considered a tiny indicator of something - at the very least of the future demographics

What is there to be butthurt about? Because a writer on a women's issues website announced the stunning revelation that fat teenage boys tend not to feel good about being fat? Newsflash: Every male who has ever been in a changing room wearing or in the presence of another male with moobs will greet this article with

Blaine is a pain.

Because those sports are non-contact.

[soccer sidles in, wearing a hopeful expression] "Hellooooooo!"