Smackwich? She just got Tangoed.
Smackwich? She just got Tangoed.
You would rather linger in a state of "I have no mouth and I must scream"?
Please. Only two people buy this car:
Congratulations: Hypothetical you exchanged a woman for an ugly-ass sports car.
This feature is like if my Facebook newsfeed got a lobotomy.
Not until there is Girls: Miami.
The rates of infection for HIV on Playstations have nearly doubled since 2007. It's a really serious issue. Make sure you use protection when watching grot on your games console. Always.
Uh, yeah. What I'm actually saying is that one location in one country looks similar enough to a location in another country to double for it in a TV show without violating suspension of disbelief.
Bear McCreary = SOLD!
I admire BSG for being a sci-fi show where God definitely exists and is actively managing the plot.
Kids loved Dubya Bush. He was cuddly.
We would be better off determining that the reason to keep or ditch the death penalty shouldn't be down to whether we happen to have empathy with a given prisoner - but on the grounds that if even one person is wrongly killed, the entire system - nay the entire concept - is suspect.
Let's compromise by criticising her for being batshit and a horrible person who should be packed in a crate and dropped out of a helicopter over the north sea.
Finally. Another opportunity for this...
"If you want to be a sex worker because you enjoy work that's physically and intellectually engaging..."
Look up the word "inherently". Then slap yourself.
People are bought on demand for everything else. Why not male sexual gratification? Do males not deserve to be gratified sexually?
You do kind of have to prove why, despite me posting a photo of a part of Beirut that looks more or less exactly like various scenes depicted in that episode as Beirut, you're continuing to complain otherwise. That really interests me.
That sounds definitive. Let's move on:
"If you check the photo you've posted above, those buildings are modern, the shops have shutters, there's a lot of tall apartments."