
You need to read your post out loud to yourself.

I feel the same way about Emperor Gauzu.

"This is, Spielberg argues, what constitutes real courage, what is truly heroic: Getting shit done."

I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say KILL EM ALL!


We're the internet generation - nothing is weird now. Maybe you have a face that screams encouragement and appreciation.

In my view this is preferable to being all too willing to have someone's pre-constructed identity label applied to you and then leave yourself open to the misdirected bullshit of morons when you contravene it someone else's interpretation of it.

The fact that contrary to the claims from certain corners, Obama's first term didn't in fact haemorrhage jobs.

What?! Is there anything we can do? Is it already too late?

It's a commonly held view amongst people who just repeat stuff they've heard on Facebook, but crucially haven't bothered to actually look at the policies they're supposedly talking about. But the reality is that any such perception is media horseshit.

Unless you have one of those leprechaun accents, not really - as the examples of Brosnan (Irish), Dalton (Welsh), Lazenby (Aussie), Connery (Scotch) and Craig (Scouse) would seem to show.

The Welsh born, American raised Christian Bale?

...but you fuck ONE goat...

Frickin' tease! GET HER!

We surely are living in a perplexing time - wasn't she supposed to be president by now?

I am body-snarking: She looks like mature cheddar from the hills of Somerset.

Did a quick Google, and: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2010/05/uk-forecasting-retrospective.html

"Is VirnetX suppose to just rollover and let Apple use the tech for free?"

As a not-developer, I agree - this article stinks of bullshit.

Nate Silver, using novel projection techniques, can accurately forecast the results of some elections.