
"Honestly, service ie something that more people should be forced to do. (Yes, forced.) I'm sure someone else could more succinctly explain the theory behind mandatory service (and also the reasons it wouldn't work or be good for a community.)"

We can explain the discrepancy by assuming that everyone that is confused by the electoral college is an idiot. While that guy is very, very smart.

Why is it interesting that a history show set in a part of the world where everyone was white has never had a backlash for having its cast be all white?

"But portraying an Indian Briton on the show would make a lot of sense, since there were around 70,000 Indians in Britain in the early 20th century."

Fact Check! "Female", like "male" is a noun. And an adjective. As even the most cursory research would have shown.

Has she ever watched Sex and the City? Because:

Or she can write the book about party planning which her previous experience as a party planner would have stood her in good stead for.

Personally I feel okay about refusing to acknowledge things like "multi-billion-dollar industries that market candy cereal to children and then diet pills to adults." since no-one is forcing parents to buy crappy cereal for their children and I've never seen a diet pill ad in my life.

I'll kick your ass, nerd!

So much love for Ruby Rhod.

Shut up, nerd.

Caring either way is the true failure.

Luckily, the Event Horizon is crazy. So everything works out.

That's what she said.

No. His actual words are clearly recorded both here and in the article that you clearly didn't read:

I have rigged Facebook to automatically hide any status that includes the word "Hurricane" or "Sandy".

Are you joking? Downplaying rape or denying climate change is morally repugnant and speaks to the profound ignorance of the proponent.

From 2005: http://www.spiked-online.com/site/article/605/

With respect, as a very senior politician with the best briefing available, he should have known that that paper had been firmly discredited long before 2008: http://www.spiked-online.com/site/article/605/ for example.