In Sucker Punch's case - those were fantasy sequences.
In Sucker Punch's case - those were fantasy sequences.
"There are lots of existing stock heads."
This has already been said, but as a Republican, it's possible you may need to have things stated more than once for them to sink in. So without further ado:
"But in the clip, there's no way you can tell that head looks like the 43rd president unless some jackass makes the choice of identifying it as such, which then is a political statement."
As I've already stated, English isn't a prescriptive language - all I need cite is the original controversial usage and any and all instances of persons using "an historical" and being understood.
Aaaahhh fucker...
It's not optimal musically.
Wack. Ass. Coffee. Store. Nonsense.
Great intro, but I feel sorry for the Japanese lumbered with that terrible music.
Totally forgot how utterly badass that Johnny Quest theme is.
Human Target... before the network came and Poochie'd it up was massive fun. But the best thing about it was the soundtrack that was as OTT as the action. The intro showed that off perfectly.
Ah, so you're that one person that likes this show. Good to meet you finally.
F'n right.
What do you need constant updates for? Works doesn't it?
Word. I remember when they first released the trailer video for this. I was excited for the game, sure - but most of my crotch-fondling was over the music.
It's because it looked cool.
I couldn't watch it, I was too nervous.
And all those Americans speak English.
VOTE: Launcher Pro
Nice try. I've been led to believe that if you allow anything even remotely linked to Facebook access to even so much as your first name, they and the Chinese triad syndicate Mark Zuckerberg is in league with legally own you.