
Most guys think the problem we have is the verbal harassment/”trash talk,” like “get back in the kitchen” or whatever. But for me personally, it’s actually more the “positive” attention, because it tends to be creepy and weird. Random friend requests, stalking behavior, and so on.

Wow. I thought Ebisawa level animation was in the past. If your are wondering what I am referring to, here is a comprehensive guide to Dragonball Z’s animation stuff and the different studios working on it. http://www.kanzenshuu.com/animation-styl…

good luck for the reviewer because there are already a lot of challengers, and not only on Kotaku.

The first thing that popped into my head.

Did you just read the headline... maybe the first paragraph... and then come down here to comment? The actual complaint is all spelled out up there.

Coming “first” to Playstation 4: this is how you both win and lose E3 at the same time

They have to do something, it's not normal that 10 year olds are playing call of duty and GTA.

Yes it was very sad that I was so excited about my education that I liked sharing the cool things that I'd learned with everyone else.

Am I the only one who things FNAF is stupid? I mean sure maybe I enjoyed watching people play the first one (because lets face it, its made for Letplay stuff), but after awhile it become stupid. And now with all these sequels I wish it would die. Thanks to it now we will have TONS of FNAF spinoffs to torture us with.

*Constantly refreshing amazon amiibo page to get those elusive pre-orders*

Best time to wondertrade during the week is 8pm est on Wednesday night for TheKingNappy's WTW Live stream the #nappynation comes together as a group and wonder trades a box of unique/powerful Pokémon

We used to have this thing called reading, which would have led to this issue being addressed and this comment being unnecessary.

+1 for disc based.

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