we probably wont get much more.. if we get more it might seem rushed. Or lets say if I would get to see everything I want it would def be rushed
we probably wont get much more.. if we get more it might seem rushed. Or lets say if I would get to see everything I want it would def be rushed
I like Trevor Noah!
I just cant enjoy these movies anymore where you constantly think " why dont you just call the police? " " Why dont you put the body back were it was" etc.. I know I know its a comedy but .. well its annoying as hell
They should have done it with Jimmy Carr's laugh
exactly back then it was fine ! And I agree he is great. But so much time has passed and they havent even even seen each other for so long so why are some fans so obsessed with them getting back together?
Anyway like you said him and Luke are great - so I think we should just have Luke, Jess, Lane, Paris, sookie and…
I dont really get why people still hold on to Jess. Yes he turned into a nice grown up and I would like to see more of his life. But not cause I want him to be with Rory.
I only watching it if someone kills Rory
Logan was actually alright when the show stopped. Another thing Amy ignored - she just didnt care about the last season. She acted like it never happened. The main problem was tho that Rory was a horrible character - I could not stand her
I know I still cant believe they thought its a good idea .. I mean come on 10years have passed..
dont mind Logan but oh man we need to get rid of Rory
so predictable
No thank you, you already ruined it
I bet Trump wont get it tho. No No Arnold sucks its not cause of me.. yeah it actually is, you are the problem
I watched it and yes George seems like a nice goofy old dude, but then you think about what he did and suddenly you really feel like he should not be on this couch joking with Kimmel
As bad as Trump is - in termes of Tv he is pretty helpful.
I really really enjoy the Daily Show now, Colbert Report - even Seth Meyers
I need those shows, they help me a lot, they help to get through all this nonsense
I bought Exploding Kittens for my sister and.. I dont know..its not funny? We played it once and it was boring, am I doing it wrong? CAH with a bunch of friends is always great
"received a life sentence for stealing perfume in 1997" - say what?
I read that she gets less screen time in the next few episodes so thats a positive thing ;)
good.. I stopped after this episode cause Niska annoys me too much, but I might have to watch the rest..
I used to like Amelia and Owen and Maggie - why do they have to F* up every character?