That’s not a rare setup. PS4 is the same--er was the same.
That’s not a rare setup. PS4 is the same--er was the same.
“The PS4’s original party chat system was far from ideal”... It was? You start a party and friends can join or you invite and you talk. What am I missing here?
Looks like someone suffers from... whatever phobia this is.
Hell in the West X is the button we use to cancel out of a window, also means wrong/no good. So technically the international market should change to Japan’s default mapping. A simple fix is move the X and cirlce placement on the controller. Now we’re all pushing the same button to confirm. The bottom-most button aka…
The loop of dying and starting over with my progression lost is a game ... genre(?) that I’m learning I DO NOT ENJOY. Don’t Starve, Outer Wilds, Hades, and whatever else. I know these are all great games, but I get so discouraged when I have to start from the beginning again. Like I do not have time for this.
Gotta unlock skills and equipment and actually look at the combat to know there’s more to it than just pressing square or triangle over and over again.
Fahey, it’s funny because I thought the beta had too much single player and it took a while to actually get to the multiplayer parts to play with my friends. Once we did get there though, we actually found the game to be really enjoyable. This news about the campaign has just made me more excited.
I hate this whole culture. I find it cringy and pathetic. If you can make a living off it, good for you.
how do we get it?
Riot is owned by somebody? I always thought they were their own company. Man everyone is owned by somebody. Who owns Tencent—China, that’s right, nvm... Wait! Who owns CHINA???
Not feeling that art style, especially since it’s done in the modern Nickelodeon style, a style children like and accustomed to, but have never heard of Battletoads. Might’ve been better to remember that most fans of Battletoads are in their 30s now.
I don’t know how to answer this. Which is weird. I never looked at Horizon is a depressing game, but I guess technically it should/could be viewed that way. I just thought the story was awesome how they were able to explain how things got to how they are and it actually make sense and be believable. I guess Horizon…
“combat unexceptional” You lost me right there. Anyone who played the game knows the combat was excellent, especially compared to its competitors at the time.
I read the tweet, didn’t take it as racist. Just kind of ham-fisting Sonic in a place that doesn’t need Sonic.
Let me clarify, if it was dark, then fine. Like I said, who cares.
Yeah I don’t understand why it has to be dark. Who cares?
7 players in there. That means people had to sit through (at most) 6 cutscenes of the Dodo Airlines loading screen that’s about a minute long. The multiplayer in this game is awful. Adorable but awful.
So I was right. I always had a theory that they wanted to bring the next tech in gaming with Half Life 3, thus why it never came. Because there hasn’t been a groundbreaking new idea in games. VR wasn’t where it needed to be. If that time ever comes where there’s an exciting new tech, maybe we’ll get another Half Life…
I need that backpack that makes you look like a koopa troopa
Damn, Square really does love their guttural noises in their game. “Hmph” “Ugh, “Mmph” Mm”. I wish they’d mix it better, it’s way too loud that it sounds awkward and weird.