It’s as if Bungie will put the lore in everything BUT the actual game.
It’s as if Bungie will put the lore in everything BUT the actual game.
Definitely seems like they “fixed” it lol. Thanks for tip
I might actually restart, but I have 5,000,000 credits from my old save. It’s tough getting back into it on PC because I can’t remember the key mappings for just about... everyting.
Eh, maybe you’re right. I just think reddit is toxic and ANet needs to be careful they don’t create a bigger monster here with this precedence. Price needs to learn how to handle comments, which is why I suggested the company reprimand her and have all the employees go through a course on how to handle this type of…
It actually doesn’t matter if it’s her personal twitter account. I just became staff for a company and we went over something exactly similar to this issue. You still represent the company even on your own social media space. It definitely seems unfair, but that’s just how it is with social media and working for a…
Maybe she could have worded it better, some training to employees in how to handle fan comments, but this is a situation where I think, “You dun messed up, ArenaNet.” Firing those employees was not the answer. Reprimanding them, having them go through some course akin to standard harassment courses that companies have…
I feel like you guys are coming to the wrong conclusion from this. It’s not about nerds or jocks.
Hence the complaints. And then what I’m referring to: the time needed for the fixes to be put into the game.
I think it’s more the case that enough time has passed for them to finally reveal what players were asking for in the first couple months after Destiny 2 released. The way kids were acting, it’s like they think this stuff takes a few days to build.
I found out about it online. I’m sure it’s recorded on Youtube. Essentially you start a new game and play normal until you go on the trail to Bill’s House. You have to make sure you avoid fighting a specific NPC. Then you continue all the way to the ghost tower place. Then if I recall correctly as you enter (or exti?)…
So, Warriors lost by 22 in game 2. Houston beat them in their regular season series 2-1, and were up 3-2 before CP3 went out. People going to act like that didn’t affect the results. Iggy isn’t the Warriors second best player. CP3 is a huge piece to the Rockets.
I feel that favors my argument, even with Warriors 4 all stars, Harden and CP3 and Co. took them to the brink, and CP3 was out the last two games.
Iggy isn’t their second best player on the team though.
CP3 didn’t play the last two games and the Warriors won the last two games. It’s not Rocket science.
Warriors have Chris Paul’s hamstring to thank. No doubt Houston would have been going to the Finals with a healthy CP3.
Why am I reading your comment like it’s a rap song?
Understand you don’t know what you’re talking about. There’s plenty of evidence showing Lebron’s basketball IQ. The onus is on you to prove otherwise.
Congrats. You have the stupidest comment on the internet today. That’s not easy to do.
I just want an actual full on pokemon rpg game in a 3d environment. Not this format they’ve had for over a decade, or Pokemon Go style game. A traditional RPG full on game similar to something you’d play on Playstation or Xbox.
I just want people to be aware that fans are upset because he’s cursing less. That is stupid. Get over it. Whatever reason you think you have, like the popular “sell out” or “you’re fake” is a stupid reason. Cursing doesn’t make you “real”.