It’s actually not a stupid policy. People have awful taste in usernames. Don’t put your full legal name, just your first name. Duh
It’s actually not a stupid policy. People have awful taste in usernames. Don’t put your full legal name, just your first name. Duh
Seriously, no Horizon Zero Dawn mention? People did not expect that game to be as good as it was.
But he did say they are both wrong and should be eradicated.
Guy here trying to understand (yet knowing until I’m in women’s shoes (metaphorically) I’ll never really understand), doesn’t he say in the quote “Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated, right?” Why are people ignoring that he agrees they both…
Totally disagree about Kylo not being ruthless enough. [SPOILERS] You must have seen a different movie where you missed the whole fight with the red-clad bodyguards. Or when he commands the pilots to fire at Luke Skywalker with everything, filled with pure hatred at Luke.
What game is that at the top?
Cecilia, stop being jells
I wish they’d do this with Rocket League. Biggest difference is bar-goers will actually understand what the heck is going on and enjoy it more.
Where’s the trash talk in the first video. Also, pointless to have any other videos since there’s no audio. Unless I’m really good at lip reading
That music! I’ve never been into Mega Man, but I’m excited about this. I would so buy a Switch for this.
What was even more annoying than that late hit was the NE announcer for the game who was so upset at the pass interference no call for Gronk, and responded with a “Good!” when his counter-part mentioned the late hit. As if saying White deserved to be injured.
In rocket league, you have a short amount of time being in the air to be able to dodge. It’s like 1.4-1.6 seconds. Every time I watch this goal, once he leaves the ceiling, I cannot understand how he was able to perform a dodge. This goal blows my mind.
I think it was This American Life that had a good episode last week about voter fraud. A good listen (ps: voter fraud didn’t appear to be nearly as widespread as many thought)
I know I’m the only one that thinks this, but I really hate that Conan and his team are all in on having these video game segments on the show. They just make me cringe, I feel bad for the live audience members and the stars that clearly have very little interest in doing these segments. It’s like they created this in…
Probably more polish in the design, and grinding mechanics. The token system is incredibly unrewarding. And a couple other systems they didn’t need to tinker with at all. Like the design of the vault is just so. incredibly. lazy. Like why wouldn’t you just use the same system from D1? Why wouldn’t you, seriously…
It’s more that Bungie shoots themselves in the foot. 1 or 2 years is excessive, but they worked so hard on content, gear, weapons from D1 it was such a waste to throw most of that stuff out. Like why do we only have 4 ship models in D2? Why not just bring over the ships from D1 for larger library? Why on God’s green…
At 4:30 the lady that was cut down seems to all of a sudden been injected with massive amounts of steroids. Those arms are for real. She didn’t look nearly as muscular just moments ago.
He was a good guy that turned bad. You can’t look at his actions near the last few seasons as good. Hell, the fact he was making crystal meth is probably enough to make him a bad guy. But take that out of the equation, he still did plenty of messed up things and you are judged by your actions.
I think people idolizing Rick is very similar to people who sided with Walter in Breaking Bad. Both terrible people, but it seems fans get cool confused with terrible. I remember being dumbfounded the number of times I would hear people defend Walter because “he was doing it for his family”. Uhh, doing WHAT exactly?…
Am I the only one wondering why the headline is focusing on the woman and not of the lunatic who traded his car for some sauce? Like I think that’s the bigger story. “Guy trades in his car to taste szechuan sauce”