talon party at your face's house

Surgery/TV buddy! Thank you, and GOOD LUCK with your procedures and recovery!! This is an excellent list—there are a few things here that I’ve had an eye on but never tried. What’s on your reading list for recovery time?

I love all of these! TV twins. I just finished Ozark yesterday, and I don’t know what to do with myself.

Same! The only one that I wasn’t as crazy about this season was Arkangel, and even that was good. I think the internet is pretty spoiled by the golden age of TV, to be frank. Metalhead was riveting—it felt like a full-length film.

NICE! That sounds like an incredible itinerary. Hope that you have the best time!

It’s actually comforting to know that one can have that complication and recover with no problem. :) Really happy to hear that you got so much relief from the surgery—thanks for sharing your experience!

Congrats on the baby and the hot chocolate (in that order)!

Wow, so much positive news/change! Congratulations! As for hobbies, what are the categories that you’re drawn to (e.g. exercise, crafting, art/music), and what do you want to get out of it? That might be a good place to start.

Oh man, that is rough! My surgeon recommended taking two days, but I’m doing myself a favor and taking my referring ENT’s advice to take the full week off. Too old to play.

Congrats on nearing the end of high school! College is great—I hope that you love it and find some of your lifelong people there.

No packing, thankfully!

I just finished season four and overall loooovvvvveddddd it. Curious to hear your thoughts. I want to go back and rewatch the others, but I don’t have a therapist, and think I might need one if I watch season one again.

This is incredibly useful advice—THANK YOU! And congrats on your recovery. That’s got to be a whole different life for you.

You should pitch tv shows, because I am sold!

That’s awesome news. Thanks for sharing, gives me hope!

Oh man, I’m so sorry to hear that. I know the feeling. What have you been doing to get by and feel normal while all this has been going on? Wishing you better, sustained health soon.

I have, and it’s excellent! Great suggestion

Oh man, I’m so glad to hear that you’re in the clear now. Sinus infections are bad enough, but bronchitis is no joke. What do you think changed things for you?

Sounds luxurious—enjoy, and happy birthday!!

That sounds awesome—it’s oddly difficult to make friends outside of work as an adult, but it seems like doing it through clubs and activities is a great approach for finding people with common ground. Were you a skier before, or is this a new endeavor all around?

I haven’t, but I’ve heard good things, and a couple of other folks mentioned it in this thread—adding it to my queue now! Thanks :)