Holy shit, that sounds chilling! Noting this one for later, thanks for the rec.
Holy shit, that sounds chilling! Noting this one for later, thanks for the rec.
Thank you! I am definitely going to check it out.
Haha, good pointers. I plan to check out Kettering tonight, thank you!
Did you have any expectations going into watching it? I liked it also, but assumed nothing, because David Lynch. It seemed like a lot of my friends hated it, but were expecting something more like the original series.
I could rewatch Party Down every year. It’s a GD delight with a fantastic cast. Have you also seen Burning Love?
I do Prime, but I know nothing about Ketting or Fortitude! Is it Black Mirror Season 1 dark, or what? Because I can get down with dark, but that is the standard against which I now measure all dark shows, ha.
Alias Grace (the book) is excellent. One of my favorite novels, and I think one of Margaret Atwood’s best. And it’s based on a true crime, which is pretty interesting.
How is Bates Motel? I haven’t tried it, but I’m curious.
I felt the same way about Curb Your Enthusiasm! I watched an episode and thought it was insufferable. Maybe I have just heard from enough Larry David types to not want to bother.
What are you guys watching right now?
Why even be an actor
Zero smudge with any of them, and at a I’m high-risk for smudging; I have oily skin, and my eyes water so much when it’s cold out that I look like I’m openly weeping.
I hated Better Than Sex. Both BTS and Urban Decay Perversion mascara got rave reviews, but I found them to leave a really crusty, flaky finish. Who the hell knows.
Every Marc Jacobs mascara is a winner! I loved all of them.
Aritzia carries very nice, soft cotton leggings. Their in-house legging brands change names, but the good ones are a style called Manhattan Legging. The softest fabrics tend to be the space dye ones, but I like them all. I wear them around the house and to the gym, and they’re great for both.
John C. Reilly is a goddamn national treasure.
I wish I could star this 1,000 times!
Harvey Jr.