
Yup. Although...Gustin’s charisma is a hard act to follow. I’ll give the kid that much.

Wow. I hadn’t been very bothered by the trio of speedsters, but I know people who did. I shall be directing them to your post, immediately.

Mon El is just fine, you drama queen. Lol.

The story doesn’t say anything about the argument being about losing though.

So basically World of Darkness: Innocents...but set in the 80s..

You’re misunderstanding what he’s trying to say. He’s speaking to how all encompassing and HEAVY it all is to a teen.

It is. Anything from a movie, shown before the movie is released, is a spoiler, including trailers and TV spots. They just don’t give you a context for what you’re seeing...so you don’t feel spoiled.

Your mistake is in assuming they want you to learn something, from the show. They MIGHT just be trying to tell a story, and not intending to teach anyone anything.

So f•cking stupid.

Did you even read the article..?

Complaining about it is a better one? (Apologies if that seems rude. Wasn’t intended that way)

I wholeheartedly agree

Not being an X-Family fan, in general, Legion somehow hooked me so hard I got whiplash. What an extraordinary show. Doctor Doom, though..? I don’t know. Doom is probably a contender for best Marvel villain, period. It’s a shame he’s so tied up in Fantastic 4 nonsense, because he’s tangled with every character Marvel

Yeah...but...if you have SO little regard for it, what would make you comment on it, or even click on the article..? I am in a befuddlement, Sir...

Dude, chill out. If Disney wants to spoil this for you, you’d just about need to cut your eyes out to avoid it.

....clearly a great many do

What a piece of shit

What led you to that guess?

I loved every second of it. However, I tried to get my Dad to watch it with me, and I can vividly remember the look on his face, about 3/4 of the way through episode 3. He was just completely nonplussed and almost physically exhausted. Lol.

And why would there even be a nod to a B-list character from a rival comic company..? Lol.