Every time you feel like leaving the country, drink.
Every time you feel like leaving the country, drink.
Finally our reefs are safe and healthy
I feel bad for saying it, but this video is so satisfying.
In the coral
The mighty coral
The lionfish dies tonight
And I would bet that most of the public in this area is very aware. In the Chicago area, I think it’s hard to find anyone unaware of the effects of heroin under the age of say 70. I was lucky and grew up with educated, fairly wealthy parents, went to a good school, etc. I have lost numerous classmates to heroin…
YES that shit is tripping me the fuck out.
“Oh no, someone somewhere is getting something I don’t need!”
There’s no consideration for the child’s privacy here. His well-being is clearly secondary to the object lesson he can provide in the eyes of this department.
Not only that but the whole point of this moronic stunt was the show the non-using public about the effects of drug use. A quick google search does just that. Hell, haven’t we all seen the meth mugshot timeline? Also, I don’t need to see what cops see. That’s why I’m not a cop.
It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.
One of the weirdest and most disturbing things that came out of this photo was that two differenct fb acquaintances retweeted similar memes pointing to the outrage that these people receive their Narcan for free while the Epipen costs $600. The weird and disturbing aspect is that both of them work in the medical…
That’s fucked. Heroin is destroying lives and this is the response? Not advocating good rehab programs, not railing against a rehab industry that exists only to Hoover up government money by keeping people hooked for as long as possible and relapsing as often as possible...nope, let’s just post photos of people at…
Have you seen people posting that they are a “Proud Member of the Basket of Deplorables” on Facebook? I just stared at it. I knew the woman I saw it from was a Trump supporter, but that she isn’t even interested in distancing herself from the bigots...?!
Especially seeing how Trump’s got that area covered.
Why do Russian hackers name themselves Fancy Bears?
Don’t you know white privilege allows you to run over whomever you would like. It’s like a real life version of Grand Theft Auto for these two.
Courtier has a long criminal record, prosecutors say, including extensive ties to European Kindred, a white supremacist prison gang based in the Pacific Northwest.
Hes not a name caller.
Okay, Pence, tell me what is not “deplorable” about these two