Have you ever heard of
Have you ever heard of
It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.
Does this remind anyone else of the pictures of Bill Clinton that graced newspaper front pages under the headlines announcing the country’s first woman presidential nominee by a major party?
Same. I’m obsessed with women’s gymnastics and am pissed I will have to go out of my way to avoid the Internet Sunday to avoid spoilers for the qualifications. I want to see the “journey” whatever the fuck that means, but I want to see their scores as they compete!
Ugh, my woman brain isn’t interested in very many Olympic sports, but the ones it might watch (mostly swimming) will lose about 95% of their appeal if I already know who won. And I HATE that 85% of coverage has always been wading through life stories to get to the three seconds of edited action they deign to show.
Good: Communication, justification, and assurance that the community’s problems are working to be addressed.
Bad: A failure to indicate any sort of time expectation, a focus on bringing a non-functional product to more people rather than fixing the product before rolling it out further, and a failure to address many of…
Ah, communication! It’s amazing how much even a little of it helps.
I got no beef with Ohio. It just doesn’t seem like the proper place for a legendary Ice Pokemon! None of the US does. But if we’re being completely realistic, they proooobably won’t put it in Antarctica either.
You got some reeeaaal beef with Ohio goin there. Who’s to say the people of that fine state won’t get a chance to catch a legendary, just because it’s not cold enough? Even Lebron moved there to get away from the heat.
I'm not sure why being an affirmative action admittee is a bad thing...
Yes, I’m not sure what the shaming surrounding people utilizing social programs designed to level the playing field/provide needed support is. Can’t bootstrap if you have no shoes.
That’s the logical conclusion yes. But to think like a Trump supporter you need to add some bigotry, fear mongering and entitlement and then you’ll realize that affirmative action is just taking things from hard working white people and giving it to black people who don’t deserve it because black people get to have…
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
You could not *be* more wrong. That shirt is salmon, not orange.
Orange was clearly overmatched, where blue clearly knew what he was doing. Orange threw a bunch of punches early, was constantly off balance, and his guard was down the whole time. Blue just waited for the time to throw the cross. And when he nailed it, orange knew he was in serious trouble and it was time to…
In golf I believe that’s called the dreaded Double Honkey.
It's like they can't land on the decent, non-shitty opinion on anything. Not even by accident. How is this possible?
That’s the kind of face you normally see after hundreds of years of aristocratic in-breeding. I’ve seen a plate of mashed potatoes with more distinction.