
In Fallout 1/2 and Wasteland 1/2 Luck helped you get more of those interesting vignettes as you traveled through the world. Since Fallout 3 there hasn’t been random event generation like that and all the weird/wild wasteland stuff is in fixed position so Luck lost a lot of charm for me. No exploding brahmin, Monty

I’m 31 and a full time systems engineer. if you can get a couple of friends with similar schedules you can do damn near everything in the game. The only thing my group can’t do in 20-30 minutes is a raid.

Confirmed that T3 Court of Oryx changes week to week? That’s awesome!

The Ultra Knight isn’t really a mission and certainly isn’t hard, it’s just obscure. You can do it in 5 minutes with 2 people. I see your point though.

For everyone asking about the Ultra Knight: need at least two people in the downed Cabal dropship inside the dreadnaught patrol. Find two panels that can be activated via ghost and coordinate so that they are activated at the same time. You’ll now be able to enter the back of the dropship and fight some Hive,

If you go through that person’s post history it’s a lot of unsolicited advice, bragging, and product endorsements. I’m wondering what MLM they’re attached to.

Doesn’t account for complexity or information density. Try throwing Gravity’s Rainbow, Ulysses, Infinite Jest, etc at it and see the laughably short estimates it gives. I think I got about a chapter into GEB in the time it says I should have been able to finish it.

I can’t stand splitting checks and so I often cover tabs just to get out of the room but people often take it is showing off and it really pisses me off. I’m just tired of watching them try to do the math, fail, not put in enough money, then bicker. I have shit to do, let’s fucking go already.

If you do solids first with the blender I have you get no traction unless you've minced the solids first. Even sliced strawberries are too big. I need to have at least a half cup of liquid to start a smoothie.

Comment of the day, right here

Uncle Don's Cabin?

The scene with Sera is hilarious if you're playing a Qunari

So #GamerGate didn't start as a comment by Baldwin on the 5 guys video? Cuz I'm interested in the alternate reality you live in.

Majority lololol

The City Council announces the opening of a new dog park at the corner of Earl and Sommerset, near the Ralph's. They would like to remind everyone that dogs are not allowed in the dog park. People are not allowed in the dog park. It is possible that you will see hooded figures in the dog park. DO NOT APPROACH THEM. DO