
Too many people don't do their homework and just live by the old adage that used cars are a better value. I've seen Hondas with almost 50,000 miles on them asking only around 2 grand less than what you could buy new. You are taking a huge risk with any used car, and I don't believe that is a very good payoff for

Ultimately, Hollywood is an "old" business model, with deeply entrenched players who will fight to preserve the relevancy of their obsolete and redundant "positions" in the industry. You've seen it with every new format and shakeup of the way people consume media. Hollywood can't and won't adapt, and would just prefer

I just tried using my Kindle 3G in Iceland and you have to pay $4.99 or something to basically enable international roaming, and I think there was additional fees for every book you download. I didn't look at the details so I don't know if it's a one time fee for life or just for a certain time period. I don't know

Facebook really gained traction in my opinion, not just because it was cleaner than MySpace, but because picture sharing was one of its integral purposes, and it coincided with the prevalence of decent quality cameras making their way onto mobile phones, as well as widespread broadband and wifi making such media