Took Country Back Check

More of a pork belly futures guy myself, but to each their own, Mortimer.

“An understandable question of conscience. I mean, it is hard to sleep in a burning bed.”

It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.

Didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.

Still haven’t forgiven you for being a turnstile for Duke two years ago. Who are you going to hand the next title to? ISIS?

The problem is you’re expecting deep levels of nuance and shades of gray thinking from Kinja. Around these parts, things are done in a more cartoony black and white hat, “You’re either completely horrible or a angelic saint” type thinking. Personally I’m fine with Penn State winning. It does nothing to remove the

Sandusky probably deserves a shout out as well. Just sayin.

Oh, yes. Heaven forbid that Penn State should ever be allowed to move on from its shameful past. We must grind their noses into the dirt. They must suffer interminably. Bad, bad Penn State. The people who played tonight must take no pride in their accomplishment, because ooriginal sin and all that.

“... and when I hung up the phone it occurred to me, my boy was just like me yeah, my boy was just like me...

Onanism: benefits of, 1-496

Next year’s whitehouse Christmas tree

I’m all for environment, but watching major cities develop is not ‘destroying the earth’. Cherry picking sites and pictures to sell a narrative, and I mean to literally sell, is the opposite of journalism. It’s sensationalism.

Goddamn, I hate this motherfucker.

No, you insufferable fucking shitbag, they weren’t “bitching” about “rule exploitation”, they had a legitimate complaint about a team - who in any other sports league around the world would have rightfully been stripped of their illegitimate titles and seen their undeserved championship banners torn down - known for

Yeah but like fuck the Patriots, amiright?





It was a questionable call. Cut Coach Harbaugh some slacks.

We’re chasing the same kind of MacGyver-level plots to get Trump out and Clinton in at this point. The kind of things the BernieOrBusters kept hanging on to: Bernie will come back and win California. Clinton’s delegates will defect. The supers will defect. If at least three Hillary electors change to Sanders post

Seems fair to me. These people broke the terms of sale.

RE: The regulatory attorney. I fear *this* will be what Obama’s legacy winds up being (especially if the ACA is gutted/repealed). Every batshit crazy decision trump makes will be caveated in history books with “He was able to do this because Obama consolidated more and more power in the executive branch through