Took Country Back Check

These kids are a disaster. Go to school. Learn something. Get a job. Contribute.

Look closely, you are on the RIF list.....

Its certainly true....

Maine doesn’t have a professional team, sorry. Maybe the Canadiens?

What do you do on Wall Street?

From the looks of it, in the dustbin.

No one cares. Real policy is being made by grownups. The country will be enormously better off.

Alternative Asshole

This is a fine idea. Every protest galvanizes voters like me against vile progressives like yourself. You play into Trump’s hands perfectly. Keep it up.

Jesus, I wish I had the time to agonize and ponder all of these perceived slights and injustices. How is that a job?

Dammit he said that at every rally, why are you surprised!

Ah, go to the library.

No, the companies administering the program are the perpetrators of the fraud, not the customers, but it is fraud nonetheless. It is the companies he is after.

Conservative America cares not.

“stateside academic plans.”

Your facts are not welcome in this progressive echo chamber, sir, now move along!

Ham, look at that chick. Look at her. That guy has my vote!

Yes, by all means, let us share your husband’s misery.

Yeah, if only they were as woke as you.....unbelievable.

No, you had it right the first time.