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Change.org......ahahahahahahahahahah butthurt

Well, don’t lie then.

Then.....stay home? Solved! What else can I fix?

Don’t spit on cops. Don’t hit handcuffed people. Simple.

Oh, you woke as hell, god damn, woke AS HELLLLLLL

In Russia, bitch needs to listen, yes?

Ham, we’ve finally found common ground. Here’s to hipsters moving to revolvers with five bullets.

HamNo says paid political hacks are scum.

You are subhuman. So not so equal, is it?

Um, they can’t “reject” them. They may not like them, but they have to live with them. I for one am delighted.

Shut down this agency and about 40 others. Commerce, Labor, Education, Energy. Not needed. Cess pools filled with wooly headed academic types and bureaucrats.

What “other actions”? Voting for Trump? Don’t be ridiculous.

That’s because yo’ ass is so poor you don’t leave tips.

Or, give to someone deserving at a million other charity websites.

I, for one, think it is a step in the right direction.

Oh, Ham. You are so very irrelevant right now.

You met a snowball on its way to hell? Fun!

He’s magnificent. If you and the press are pissed, he’s doing a good job.

no doubt from someone who decried Republican obstruction of Obama

ooooooooooohhhhh, I’m terrified.