Took Country Back Check

Just do your job.

Fear not, someone on this lovely website will give you a safe space.

It is not hate to want to control immigration into this country, to see the rule of law upheld, to protect our people from terrorism.


I suppose if we go fuck ourselves you can’t be forced to carry a child period, eh?

By “troll” you mean someone who disagrees with you?

Eight years.

Did someone call? Yes, we are everywhere and we are delighted that right-thinking Justices who respect the Constitution will be restored to the bench. Buckle up for reversals.

Perfect. Any competent candidate would have beaten Trump soundly, just as any competent Republican would have destroyed Hillary.

Or, alternatively, go to work, contribute to society.

It is not. Every Republican presidential candidate in the last four decades has been called a Hitler.

It is happening. We have begun the process of taking our country back from those who would apologize for our leading position in the world. Trump’s plan to reduce harmful regulation and reduce taxes will lift everyone up, even those that progressives wish to help but actually harm.

When did he incite violence against Muslims or immigrants? He said that we should not have open borders and should vet those who wish to come here from terror-prone countries. Cite, please, his incitement to violence.

I voted for this man and, if he runs, I will consider voting for him again in four year’s time.

She was very classy in defeat. Her speech was perfect. Obama’s tone was also right on. This from a Trump voter.

Perhaps your time might be better spent working productively. What exactly do you hope to accomplish? The election is over.