
How were thieves able to make of with $124,000 in wheels?

Way too subtle to be heard here.

They should have named the “Cayenne Coupe” the “Pepita” that would have taken the confusion to the next level.

Yeah, I thought rather than a depressingly realistic commentary on the American political process this article would be a in depth investigative piece into the origins and reasons for putting ranch dressing on pizza.

You may have decided against buying a Model 3 if you had seen one in person.

From my experience the most important part of a test drive is how you feel in the car. The seats (everyone’s a different shape,) the driving position, the sight lines etc...  

Rubbing glass shards in your eyes would be worse, sand vs. old school iDrive is a tossup.

Way longer.

Perhaps even more difficult than in 2018.

IMO opinion these Gruden headers deserve an award.

That Benz is not actually not that bad. Lots of the Houston hurricane flood cars had mold growing on the mold growing on the mold. This is actually not the worst picture I saw. There were many cars at auction worse than this.

I love to ride them to the gym so I can get in my treadmill workout!

As such, I can’t star your post.

As long as you aren’t driving a 13-speed truck, you should have your license revoked if you are going 20mph in 4th gear with a manual transmission.

This is a classic case of of a “self selected survey set.” As such the results are only applicable to CarMax customers. CarMax is geared to appeal to the median pre-owned buyer, MT buyers are obviously already an outlier group. This data is worthless.

Starred for the Karmann Ghia reference.

The FD RX-7 would be my vote as well. Probably the only Japanese car that I would buy for the styling.  The fact that it is as reliable as a Ferrari only adds to its appeal.

There might be another 917 behind you.

Its the Lego Beard (TM)