
Not sure how something 20 years old is post worthy (Mythbusters etc...) I guess is new to people born in the last 20 years.

Didn't think he could or would do it, donation made.

Aren’t these (except the Festiva) old cars? Don’t old cars need maintenance? Doesn’t it seem that the older the car listed here is, the more maintenance it needs? Do I need to say more?

Why did it take them 4 hours? If they had 4 or 5 guys, I can't figure out why it would take more than two hours. I guess it is hard to get good help in all industries these days.

I normally like ICONs stuff, but this is ugly then and ugly now.

That's awesome, I always wanted to make up stick figure T-rex's and stick them on eating the dog.

Not sure how you maintain that optimistic attitude living in this world, but whatever it is, keep it up.

Unfortunately the actual dealership employees, who have put up with all of this on a day to day basis for over a year will likely continue to get what they have gotten so far, nothing, zippo, nada....

Shocked, shocked I tell you!

Sorry, been a while since I saw that last, at least 61 in a row...

I think I should love the Jensen-Healey, but I just can't.

Then you would have to put brakes on the zero-turn.

Perfect for the .9 liter twin-turbo 3-cylinder of tomorrows performance cars!

I'll donate actual dollars if he volunteers for even five minutes.

What's he gonna do with those baby hands?

What's he gonna do with those baby hands.

My post was to Orlove, no actual thought or work involved to create a thread.

This is the best you could do?

Brother apparently.