
Great column. There are lots of ways to enjoy car culture on the cheap. Want to see some drag racing? Stop by the Wednesday night test and tune. Want to see come cool cars road racing? Find some one who is going to a HPDE and sign in as a quest. Lot of cities have free car shows in the summer. The sky's the limit.

Sure looks completely intentional to me. Nice save, but he lost it to save it.

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I am certain that most of the other automakers knew that VW was cheating. They did not want to start a inquiry that would inevitably include their own products.

I settle for pretty clean. Now that I drive three cars about the same amount each, it is unlikely that even one of them is clean at any time. Our planet is named after another word for dirt. It is everywhere. Get used to it.

Pretty easy to be way ahead off them driving a car that uses the entire width of its tires.

Hopefully it was less than $500, it would make an awesome Lemons car.

There is a easier and better explanation for a $290 million investment in the Corvette factory. Hasn't anyone here ever taken a look at the build quality of a C7 ?

Unfortunately for them, they probably will.

I can't remember if it was free, but 25yrs ago I turned down a couple year old Dodge Spirit left by my wife's grandfather when he passed. I told my father-in-law that that he should be ashamed to suggest that my wife (his daughter) should drive such a piece of junk.

Or his co-workers did!

I knew a manager who hired people primarily by the shoes the wore to the interview.

Affordable "transmission slayer" is what comes to mind. I would opt for the Ford Protect extended warranty.

I am shocked! Shocked I tell you!

More importantly, why does Burt want to have a 3 year old black bear between the seats rather than a shifter? Is he some kind of furry? Are 3 year old black bears good driving companions?

I am always flashing back to B.C. comics when I see these.

I just couldn’t do it. If my budget put me in a car like that, I would have to start fixing it up. I used more than a gallon of bondo to sculpt my first car back into the correct shape.

Now that’s a race car hauler with room for the pit crew!

Awesome story/editorial! Have a great summer enjoying both cars.

Probably want to get the snow tires put on earlier next fall.

Actually it is a pretty good indicator of people so hopelessly misinformed about cars that they deserve to be driving V4 powered Saabs.