
Why is the front ride height so high? Did they have to pull the motor for repairs before the photoshoot?

I think that it is the Aston Martin proportions that do it. Even non-enthusiasts "get" perfect proportions.

A small number of them get bought up by people willing to save them. Bodyshop owners are famous for taking a couple of years to piece together an exotic and keep it for themselves.

Another reason not to visit the East coast. First Virginia, now this. I thought that North Carolina was a big tourist state, I'm not interested anympore..

Nissan saves their owners so much money at Pep Boys. Now that's looking out for your customers.

There was an article several years ago that showed an appropriately geared 4 speed was faster in the quarter mile than a 5 or 6 speed due to the lost time under power when shifting.

IMO the best Kinja in months.

Great, but who cares about hybrids when gas is so cheap?

Exactly, door dinged after 14 months of ownership at NAIAS

!!! and you obviously need help, owning such a misunderstood model.

Actually minivans are much better than SUVs Sliding doors can't door ding.

I park across the street from work! My co-workers are not to be trusted.

Sure it is cool, but my cousins did that to a '68 chevy sedan back in the early 80's

I think it is awesome, and it would be a great race car tow rig. You could even pull a 5th wheel trailer with it.

The choice between them is not rational at all. I can only think of two enthusiasts that I know who have owned both and have good things to say about both. Most enthusiasts have made their purchasing decision long before they got their driver's license. 95+% of the time it is simply the one that you lust after.

The 911 was much more expensive than the Corvette in 1964, it still is. Apparently 50 years is not long enough for people to understand that they do not actually compete against each other in the marketplace. It's a good story for the press, doesn't actually matter in the showroom.

By the way, your dad acted like an asshole in this story.

Isn't this the second time Doug has answered this question in the last year?

We have a fiction in this country where the MSRP of a car means something. There is no MSRP on engagement rings and people buy them all the time. They shop around until they find something they like for a price they think is fair. Why does above or below MSRP mean anything to people? Because they think that getting a

I thought that they