
I have to disagree. Remember the maniac who shot all the cops in Dallas? The narrative was it was BLM. The congressional shooting..attributed to liberal violence. Imagine if the shooter was Muslim. Holy shit we’d be bombing someone now. However, angry white guy...we shrug our shoulders and say it’s unstoppable

Bundy situation: heavily armed; threatening federal agents; wanted to accomplish political change. Certainly sounds like terrorism.

Nah, they’ll say they could’ve defended themselves if they’d had guns with them.

They just seem genetically predisposed for savagery and destruction.

It’s been a damn hard day for me too. Went to work just mad and sulky with no fucks to be given anywhere.

To your point about “good people with guns save bad people with guns,” one of the got damn performers at the event noted that his crew was legally licensed to carry, and even THEY realized that in the moment, they

Pretty much male, if not completely male, interestingly enough

This bloodless comment is the absolute truth. The NRA is nothing but lobbyists for gun sellers. Their tact is to sell freedom and fear, but in reality they are just selling guns. And fuck them for having absolutely no conscience while doing it.

Dylan Roof was a terrorist act by federal and common definitions. Regardless of any of the others. Heck even Fox News had people saying that it was.

White people dying isn’t going to change gun laws. Sandy Hook and Columbine didn’t change anything. If you think so, you’re looking at the wrong end of the gun. The only thing that might change gun laws is if POC started doing the shooting, but since mass shootings seems to be a white people thing, don’t expect gun

No because then it would be considered a liberal set up.

I’m so done with the white excuses.

All I know is that a white gunman went after members of Congress this summer, and they are still under the thrall of the fucking NRA.

This. If it were only up to them, they’d shoot to the literal last person.

Shit, I did not see that coming.

They ban guns at their meeting. No joke. Their meetings are “gun free zones.”

Just gonna drop this here and then go finish my rage stroke

If you’re asking non-rhetorically, my answer would be that there isn’t a threshold. So long as these events prove to be profitable for gun manufacturers and sellers, the NRA will keep lobbying and politicians will continue to reap the benefits. There’s no financial incentive for our so-called leaders to do what is

It would have to be Republican donors slaughtered at an NRA meeting by NRA members wearing Tea Party Ribbons in order to stand any chance of making a difference to gun laws. Even then, only maybe.

When you get whites together in groups you see the thug element. It’s in their nature. It’s rare you can get large groups of whites together without some sort of violence. When you throw in this country “music” which promotes drinking and glorifies white thugary you have what you have on Sunday.

The messed up thing is that we won’t see. The last two white men in America would have to shoot each other to stop this.