
Even worse, a black guy on twitter was talking about black bitches and white girls. YES, like that! And when he got called out, we were bitter, angry and sensitive h0es. I really don’t know what black women have done to deserve the treatment we get from black men. It’s really sad we have come to a point where to kind

At all.

The way they celebrate, they think it’s extended to them. To a certain level, it is.

I just read about this after seing your post. I’m disgusted. He already had prior record of assault but he only served 45 days in jail after that man suffered brain damage. And it took him 25 years to apologize? What a piece of sh*t!

“It’s not murder if they’re black” that’s the lesson they’ve learnt from these cops getting away with murder. They get off, get promoted, get applauded and founding from their fellow whites. They become heroes to the other “very fine people” according to Mr U-bum (trump)

I wouldn’t put it past a black person to marry a horrible human like milo. And that’s really sad.

I really hope that they don’t adopt black kids, especially black boys. Milo supports pedophilia and is obsessed with black peen. And this black man is married to Milo, it says all about the type of garbage person he is as well. What could happen to black kids in that household is just scary.

Sadly, many black people take that as a compliment.

“The kind that thinks it, but never says it aloud because I got a family to feed, in this economy”

White women have big mouths, stubbornness and fake tears, should they also be getting killed?

They love distancing themselves with that “men vs boys” or “men vs n!ggas” or “a real man wouldn’t do that...”

This all feels like a mockery, she looks like those old racist cartoons. The sad part is actually believes her BS and she’s really permanently changing unlike Rachel dolezal who can take a shower and be white whenever she needs whiteness.

For starters, Stop telling black women to focus on racism and not sexism. Stop being sexist, try to see thing under black women’s perspective. Call out your friends and brothers when you see/ hear them do something sexist

Yes, We’re all victims of white supremacy but black women face sexism on top of that. The fact that black men always only want to focus on racism, says a lot.

And you clicked! Lol

Like it’s not white people who have massacred people around the world, raped black women for years and stolen other people resources for centuries.

They really sound white when white folks tell us that calling out racism is divisive.

I saw it after Korryn Gaines death. Black men went white so quickly, it was scary. They were talking about how bad our attitude is, if they were in the same situation they would have shot her too. All of a sudden they believe the police’s version of the story, which we never in other cases, because it’s been proven

I think he’s speaking on black men because

😂 😂