
I would have called it “Kiss and makeup”. 

We're either open or not, and since we are, people need to stop trying to guilt people for resuming their lives. You don't feel comfortable? Stay inside. There is nothing wrong about having a convention as long as they require proof of vaccine.

Bad news—that second one was real and the police are here to speak with you.

Or, you know, they didn't announce it because they aren't actually making it, despite 5 years of "rumors" and "leaks" to the contrary.

I hesitate to wish ill on any space launch, but if this thing does happen to fall out of the sky can it please land on Elon Musk?

Makes me think of Superliminal, where manipulating perspective of items changes their size and shape. 

If it was a Kirby game getting cancelled, it would suck.

The last thing people with depression need is something else to give them a hard time. 

Nah, the easy thing to do would be to strategically deploy the vaccine doses, all else being equal.

BioNTech’s vaccine goes to the urban centers, the places with the infrastructure to store it at cryogenic temperatures.

Delivery of Moderna’s vaccine would be prioritized to the rural areas that don’t have the necessary

You say all the big Pokemon games, yet refuse to rank Pokemon Snap.

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

There was a reform in the early 1990s that tightened down the tax deduction available on CEO salaries, with one exception - “performance-based compensation”. Vested stock options count as performance-based compensation, so the use of equity compensation (plus the booming stock market of the 1990s) meant that CEO pay

Well, the lights aren’t on in the LEGO White House, so that’s a very accurate representation. 

Snozberries! Who ever heard of a snozberry!

judges . . . refuse to rule in a way that would compel action” Because that’s NOT their job. Judges don’t exist to be activists, or create law; that’s the job of the House and Senate. Judges decide whether laws are just, and whether they’ve been violated, who is at fault, and penalties. This is yet another great

So what you’re saying is that 200,000+ people in the 60's were able to keep a lie from getting out? Also our major political rival at the time didn’t take advantage of this lie and tell everyone around the world that the US faked it? If we faked it, you could bet your ass the USSR would have announced something.

All of the Legos Ebel uses are also donated to her cause, so the only costs are the endless tubes of glue needed to permanently hold everything together.

Now, I’m not a furry, but...

How do I know you are a real writer?