
Not gonna lie... as a person on the street, if you said “are you going to sign up for YouTube Red” I’d have answered, “I don’t pay for porn.”

io9.com failed to mention that in the same period that these numbers are from included moving all of DC Comics from New York to LA with all the costs of such a massive move causing including layoffs, payoffs and new hires. Nor did it mention that for 2.5 months into the move they suspended their normal comics line for

I do call center tech support, when I saw the new logo it hit me why this is a good thing. I still tell people to click on the blue "e" to launch their browser because some people are that computer illiterate...

So instead of the wheel breaking, now there’s a hinge to break as well. Oh and you lose space inside your suitcase on all 4 bottom corners.

pass, never once had a wheel come off a good suitcase.

Why not just fold the edge/corner over before you stick it down? Oh Yea, because that could cause the tape to unstick and the package to open during transit. That's kind of a big issue to overlook and call a 'minor concern'.

I did the 52-week challenge (which is what you're referencing) and was successful because it helped me incrementally adjust what I thought I wanted to spend vs what I really needed to spend each month. I think I'm going to continue it until I'm saving $150 per bi-weekly paycheck (that doesn't include my retirement

Ah yes, KFC made a similar simulator if I recall...

Or, they could just default to showing the recent posts from people I follow and stop pretending to know what is "relevant" to me?

Dude button your shirt just a little bit

On one hand, I totally want in on this. On the other hand, I live here, we're having the worst drought we've had in 50 years, some cities literally running out of water, and we're about to start fining the shit out of people for using too much water. This is kind of like parking an expensive food truck in front of a

Thats why I only eat meat. The cows ears have already been removed.

Wildly swinging around a $600 phone like a tennis racquet? I'll pass.

I dropped the google street view guy into the hole, now the street view option is gone...

Did someone say BIODOME.... PARTY

Always have to add this.

Every Zelda game is a reboot.

Sometimes mathematics are based on assumptions in order to adequately frame a problem. (They do this in physics as well, hence the basis for Leonard Hofstadter's (Big Bang Theory) joke about spherical chicken's in a vacuum). The problem here is that the assumptions are flawed. There is no sum for an infinite series.

I just carry one of these. It's a bit clunky but I can charge many devices on it and it has better capacity. I can buy like 3 of them for the price of one Chug Plug. :)