
Those words should be words to cherish, not fear. 

Don’t cut yourself in that edge

Even then, CNN is a channel under WarnerMedia (who is currently owned by AT&T, soon to be with Discovery) It has options of where to put its content. Going solo when your parent has its own streaming services is really confusing.

Hey CNN, here’s an idea; don’t.

My time to Shine

Soul never had the premium access pricing attached to it. It just came out for free on Christmas.

I’m sorry but you’re comparing a USED laptop to a NEW console plus portable screen. Both of those come with a warranty while the used laptop most likely won’t.

Find me a gaming laptop with similar specs at a similar price ($550) and we’ll talk.

1. Like Trump could even remember any of their secrets. His mind changes so often I doubt he can discern a truth from a lie.

Let’s be honest, this is only the first announcement of the month. There will be at least 1 more before the month is over telling us what’s coming in the back half and possibly early next month as well.

I mean good luck getting blood from a stone.

The best I can do is make them on sale for 90% off.

I’m pretty sure Nintendo’s process is “Put it on our store and hope it makes a best sellers list, cause we don’t even promote our games.”

you see how that doesn’t make things better.

I feel like you’re forgetting the romance between Natasha and Bruce Banner. No idea why those two were being romantically linked other than “reasons”.

I’ve found imagining that I’m driving and try to incorporate random stops/ideas into my drive. Sometimes I’m on Rainbow Road going to the gas station. Or I’m driving to a theme park taking the shortcut that goes through the road inside the middle of the mall.

I guess with the first trailer I was hoping for a dual storyline thing where you could play as either character or play as Zelda for certain story parts. This intro trailer feels like it implies that one again, you’re saving the princess.

Did they just make Zelda the “Damsel in distress” once again?

No disc drive on a Series S. So they wouldn’t work with it.
