
That’s only for the “Channels”. If you pick an on-demand show, you should be able to pause. 

I really like the Channels feature. Sometimes I just want to have something on and chosen for me.

But can I recruit the Queen?

The benefit to buying liquor in bulk for bars is that they can refill a Jim Beam bottle with Seagram’s 7. Yes your well versed patrons will tell the difference, but your already drunks and new-ish drinkers won’t be able to tell anything, especially if it’s a mixed drink.

Mysterious $350 million in funding and now a major Microsoft executive as CEO? This sounds like Nokia all over again.

When that happened to me I changed it from what I thought was correct (sunny/cloudy/etc.) unknown rain/no rain. After about a week of inputs it get closer to being correct.

73? I’ll start the funeral arrangements now...

I think you already have. It’s called Pokémon.

I know there’s a bunch of other non-gaming noise on Youtube but is that not an option anymore?

He should move to Mixer.

Look at something like Pluto TV as a model. Some people just want to turn on something and have to choose the exact thing they want to watch. Maybe I just want to watch some random 30 minute comedies, or some white people buy and build a tiny house show.

I guess paying Ninja and Shroud was too expensive for Satya to keep it afloat.

Next Up: Uncle Ben

I get it. I don’t agree with it but I get it.

Sadly, new pearl clutchers are born every 35 seconds.

Finish the saying; A few bad apples spoils the bunch. If there’s a bad apple cop and his coworkers do nothing to stop is ways, then they are just as bad.

I knew there was something but my 10 minutes of Google Fu came up short with the exact law or time of implementation. 

Wasn’t there some law that was made in the late 80's that public disclosure of salaries of the the high ranking officials in a public company that caused the explosion of CEO compensation packages?

I shouldn’t have to do that.

Here’s another way to look at his powers: His power isn’t running fast, but rather causing time to accelerate around him and the things on him. This gives the appearance to those around him that he’s moving super fast.