
We’re still headed towards a failure point for the hospitals if we don’t keep up with the isolation.

I don’t wish any suffering on anyone for this disease. I just hope he learns about this and to take warnings seriously. “The media over-hyped this” was the biggest thing a heard last week. Yet, this week I haven’t heard a single peep about that or an apology towards the media for the “over-hype” that wasn’t over-hyped

This is nice. I wouldn’t hear the end of it if Trolls didn’t come out in April. My kids will be going nuts for something new by then.

I’m sorry but fuck that. I have shit to do and we can take extra precaution with things (like washing my hands and avoid touching my face). If (and only if) I find out I was in close proximity to someone who caught the virus, will I start to cancel things and quarantine myself.

I think they canceled the event too soon. It’s still a few months away and anything could happen in that time. Then again, it’s probably better that they did it now so visas, hotel rooms, flights, etc. can be canceled without a penalty.

I feel like they’re trying to make this the replacement to their U-Verse system that they have been slowly phasing out.

Even worse when it’s a shot for shot remake. At least change something up to justify it’s existence.

It’s also worth looking at the demographics of who is dying. Older people with prior health issues are the ones that are dying. 80% of the cases found so far are considered mild. If you are under 50 and in relativity decent health, you will most likely survive and not need hospitalization.

I have a new idea. Instead of covering all the dumb bullshit that Bloomberg does, let’s just ignore it. He’s adhering the philosophy of “the only bad news is no news”. Giving him coverage, positive or negative, is keeping his name out there which is enough to have him rise in the polls. That’s how we got Trump, and we

Well you need to “get” the disease but maybe not contract it. The issue is that it’s airborne and trying to contain it for purposes of spreading it, you’ll most likely contract it yourself. Plus if you’re looking to spread it and cause the most chaos, you’ll want to get it or have someone do it for you.

With everything in place now, it wouldn’t be easy. You would have to purposefully get the disease and bypass any screening places that are in the zones where virus has been found.

An Amazon gift card doesn’t pay rent, or an emergency hospital bill/car repair.

If Trump actually had the Death Note, he’d probably write his name on the first page to let everyone know it’s his book.

My neighbor's yard last month disagrees with your headline.

Forgot one: 

I personally use a TP-Link AC750. It’s not the strongest but for most travel locations it gets the job done well enough. 

Here’s a personal one of mine I did recently. If you have a travel router (for your Chromecast or Fire stick viewing at hotels and such) set it’s SSID and password to the same as your home router. This way you can easily long into the device with your stuff without having to connect to a new router while away from

If I had to make a guess as to when the show would be returning, I would say late-April or May. That’s when all the baby Yoda merch is coming out. 

“Close” is an overstatement. He lost 62-38%.

Do I need to see Wonder Woman’s 1 through 1983 to understand the plot to this one?