
Covering his bases just in case it’s Juan or Kron.

They need to come up with a way for someone to read a twitter profile without all the retweets mixed in.

Or that Michael’s life is falling apart because he lost his wife and has 3 kids to raise.

He looks like Vince McMahon more than Donald Trump Sr.

Anyone else think that Donald Trump Jr looks more like Vince McMahon than Donald Trump?

Look I hate trump as much as the next guy, but now isn’t the time to bring him up. You can proceed to bitch about his response to Florence after this disaster is over. 

Does anyone else think that Don Jr. Isn’t Trump’s kid, but Vince McMahon’s?

So to comply with the new EU rules, will Twitter have to delete Donny T’s tweets every time he threatens another country for not going along with his plans?


But what if they aren’t. Maybe they’re responding to the majority of their shareholders and the market saying, “Remove this monster from your platform or I won’t invest in your product further.”

I heard Roger Stone and Milo Yiannopoulos will let Alex Jones use their account.

I can’t read this article until you change the picture of the roll of toilet paper to be placed the correct way.

All that just so could date Royal Pain.

One thing I’ve noticed in all of these mainstream kids cartoons with LGBT representation is that there is bunch of L representation but not very much GBT.

Yeah but that might require the Chitauri to invade New York. I really don’t want to deal with the fallout of that mess.

This is Donald Trump forgetting that he gave this interview. He has dementia.

And here I was thinking the military method of falling asleep anywhere was wake up before dawn, run until your CO pukes, and get back to your bunk 3 hours before dawn.

Whatever you do Donny, don’t use Bing.

Back in my day we had a program called DC++ that let us share files across devices on the same network. a couple people did the downloading and everyone else grabbed from them.

This list is hot garbage since it doesn’t include Picross 2.