
This is as good of an idea as that wine bottle fire extinguisher.

If they cured baldness don’t you think Donny T would have a full head of hair?

Polyfill is expensive. So is actually sewing a blanket together with said polyfill. Then add in shipping and you’ll understand why it’s so expensive.

Polyfill is expensive. So is actually sewing a blanket together with said polyfill. Then add in shipping and you’ll

It’s a dummy, but yes. The payload was a Tesla with an Astronaut at the wheel.

I got hired to my first job out of college in December of 2008. Personally I thought that was the absolute best time to get a new job because the market won’t be that low ever again unless a serious recession/depression happens.

In honor of the Eagles winning the super bowl, could you try and make a cheesesteak casserole?

Bean dip and Guac dip. done and done.

He’s going to be so poor when Bitcoin crashes harder than the Beanie Baby craze.

No thanks. I don’t want to die of alcohol poisoning.

So why wouldn’t I want to use the jar lid instead of using aluminum foil like you mentioned?

WRONG. There is enough housing. There just isn’t enough housing where people want to live.

What the fuck is Electronic Games Expo?

She’s 47...

But why was that moment important? What did it do to cause a change to Star Trek or it’s fanbase after that date? Did the ignoring of the anniversary cause a shift in anything?

CBS and Paramount not mentioning Star Trek’s anniversary isn’t an important pop culture moment. Since they did nothing it means nothing. It didn’t change the face of Star Trek as we know it or cause it to fall out of favor with anyone. There was nothing defining about that for the series past or future. It’s more sad

So the software is $0 in your eyes?

Actually, if McCain stays home, they have the votes.

Look, you can ask your husband to get off his phone because you’ve gotta poop is okay.

A lot of his direct to DVD BTAS look alike movies have been weird. Every one of them seems to have to add in a sexual segment to them that isn’t needed/warranted.

Nick, did you forget your wife’s birthday again?