
I’m not sure what was more dangerous, the guy doing the Superman stunt, or the Vespa girl taking her hands off the handlebar and not paying attention to the road to try and take a picture of the guy.

The whole point of the Pi zero is the extremely small profile. You might as well get a Pi 3 if you add that board.

Did you forget Marvel in September or are there no good Marvel books then?

Larger Mass: Check

You can always buy knockoffs to save even more cash.

Or I could buy 5 ugly purses to stop me from buying a Jelly Belly Machine.


Good catch. This makes me rethink swapping over.

It looks like if you’re currently subscribed to a lot of data, changing your plan over will make sense. The current prices are 300mb-$20, 2gb-$30, 5gb-$50, 15gb-$100, 20gb-$140, 25gb-$175, 30gb-$225, 40gb-$300, 50gb-$375

Actually If you’re subscribed to more data, you’ll be getting a better deal. I’m on the 15gb/month plan right now and it costs $100/month. I can either upgrade to 16gb/month for $10 less or jump to 25gb/month for $10 more.

That’s been the norm for a while. If you’re on a contract, it’s $40, otherwise it’s $15-$25 depending on your data subscription. Installment plans through Next get the cheaper rate.

They missed a spot.

Those are photoshopped? It looks like they did nothing to the original photos.

The more things change the more they stay the same. Haven’t they learned that having too many villains in a Spider-Man movie makes it too jumbled and messy?

I thought it was the fact that my dog was neutered that dropped his sperm count.

Enjoy! Or don’t, whatever, you’re not our mom.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

we’re all embracing a youthful joie de vive for our very first (and probably last!) Senior Week at Gawker Media.