
Oh shit, you called Uber a cab. That’s going to rile some feathers.

You do know that a standard issue fire ax has a 36" handle and the head can weigh about 6 lbs.

Looking in that video I would assume the head on that one is around 10-12 lbs with a similar length handle.

It won’t take much but one swing with the pick side and then a few swings with the blade side and I’m betting I

Now give me a fire ax and I’ll show you how much damage can be done.

Glad to see you confusing Gizmodo with Reddit.

How about we call it DCW?

So is it pronounced ca-TAN or cuh-tahhn?

Honest question, is the Steam Controller as good as an Xbox One controller for PC gaming?

Honest question, is the Steam Controller as good as an Xbox One controller for PC gaming?

Rule 6: Don’t expect expect to be on good terms with your family after you lend to them.

Thank you for calling it DCW instead of Arrowverse.

You can move to Houston, I hear that they just opened up a bunch of Lake front in the lake property.

Patrick, have you talked to HamNo about this?

Dear Greta,

I got the same experience as everyone who has seen the Grand Canyon in person by watching “National Lampoon’s Vacation”.

So Oprah wasn’t self-made?

I’d like to say this is really true for Russia. I went there last year for business before their economy started to drop and I was able to have a decent meal for under $6 for something that would have cost me $15 at home. The power of the dollar over there is even stronger so I’m sure I could come home with more in my

We’re calling it the DCW now.

It’s because I reclined by seat back isn’t it?

Where do you get free paper bags from? Or water bottles?

Only 4 hours? That doesn’t sound like it’s insulated very well.

Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.