
As great as this movie looks, I think that it will absolutely bomb at the box office.

We have all the time in the world to explore space.

But Pluto isn’t a planet.

If they get hit by a bolt of lightning and doused in some chemicals they might run really really fast.

Make funny what? I must know!

Is there some kind of reverse-Freud thing going on here where the mother wants to sleep with her son?

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Win 10 Anniversary edition become free after that date.

Can someone put all of this info into a video montage set to Sarah McLachlan?

Add voice commands and you have a decent replacement for the Xbox One’s TV pass through.

I think their pay is hazard pay.

Not as bad as the guy that wanted mayo as his salad dressing.

Go ahead, my bank is FDIC insured, so I’ll get my money back. But besides that point you’re analogy doesn’t line up with what they did.

...go on.

Actually the west side of the Houston Metro area is a better alternative right now.

They were smart 16-18 year old kids that did something really stupid but is ultimately a victimless crime.

I think the Paris in Vegas is cheaper than the one in Florida.

Unless the story requires the romance of two people, I don’t see the need to bring it up. So far, the story isn’t shaping up to be a love story so I don’t see any need to have one pigeon holed in there.

I’m also going to suggest than instead of Las Vegas, you go to Branson, Missouri.

Does this take into account that some people are on Win10 and not using IE but Edge?